Roman Coin - Denarius - Nero(this coin is a reproduction). Julius Caesar obtained this prerogative within the compass of the special powers that he wrung from the Senate and were eventually to cost him his life. Roman Aureus Gold Coin replica of Julius Caesar with a probable portrait of the goddess Venus. To celebrate an individual by means of the public exhibition of his portrait in the form of a painting, sculpture or coinage die was equivalent to raising him above his peers and according him the supremacy proper to a sovereign or dictator. The structure of the State, in fact, had thus far impeded the pre-eminence of any single person over the rest of the governing class.
The portrait of a living politician appeared for the first time in the history of the Republican coinage on the obverse of a series of denarii issued in the months preceding the Ides of March 44 by the four moneyers for that year. Venus with Victory and sceptre resting her elbow on a shield mounted on a globe.

The heir of Julius Caesar was only 18 years old when Caesar was. as an idealized portrait of the deified Julius Caesar or as the Genius of the Secular Games. Mettius for Julius Caesar Rome 44 BC.Ĭrowned head of Caesar. A Rare Facing Portrait Roman Silver Denarius of Octavian/Augustus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.). denarius of Augustus, Caesaraugusta mint in Spain, 19-18 BCE.